If you are having trouble renewing your auto registration on Cape Cod, you aren't the only one. 
The Registry requires appointments. To arrange directly with the Registry, please click here:

Bryden and Sullivan has special software and can do it for you in only minutes for a $20 fee.

This testimonial arrived today:
Tarin is amazing by the way!  I procrastinated on my renewal and it expires tomorrow and they just got it renewed for me in 10 minutes. Awesome service, thank you.

Matthew J Petti

Insurance ... simple and done!

Hyannis Office
88 Falmouth Road Rt 28
Hyannis, MA 02601
FAX 508-790-1414


Hours  Monday - Friday
9 am -  4:30 pm

Bryden and Sullivan operates solely within the State of Massachusetts
Please note that coverage cannot be issued, started, cancelled, reinstated or changed via email
without written confirmation from our Agency.
Privacy Policy

Dennis Office
485 Route 134, PO Box 1497
So. Dennis MA 02660
FAX 508-394-2267