For a Quote, Contact or Call 508-775-6060
Request a Life Insurance Quote
There are different types of Life Insurance depending on your goals and family needs. Term Life Insurance is very competitive right now. You can purchase the amount you wish for the number of years you would like. You would lock in the rate for those number of years. Also, they have a conversion clause so if you purchase 20 years and want to continue, you can request to have the policy converted before the term ends. You would be guaranteed for the conversion with no medical underwriting but the rates would change depending on the market at that time and what amount you convert the policy to.
Request a Life Insurance Quote
Contact Kelley A. Sullivan, CIC at 508-775-6060
Life Insurance
Is your company required to provide a Health Insurance Group policy?
Do you own your own business?
For answers on Health Insurance and mandates please see our overview to answer commonly asked questions, or please call our office at 508-775-6060 and we will be happy to answer your questions.